Digital Strategy

Successful digital transformation requires a strategic approach.

Your success in digitally transforming your organization is determined by your ability to develop and execute a clear strategy. This strategy must be driven and supported by leaders who embrace speed and innovation, and encourage rapid change.

Learn More About Visioning

Digital Strategy Services

Start your journey to digital success on a solid, strategic foundation.


We begin by helping you through the “Visioning” process to identify exactly what success looks like for the future of your organization. This is the first step of your journey to a successful digital transformation.

Once completed, this “vision” of success is what will unite your organization, guide your decision making, and keep everyone energized and focused on the actions that have the most impact.



While many organizations aspire to be “innovative”, few invest the time and resources needed to foster a culture of innovation that embraces new ideas and allows for healthy risk-taking.

We help prepare your organization to quickly gather, test and deploy innovative ideas so you can achieve your innovation goals and always stay ahead of your competition.



In order to get where you want to go, you must first have an accurate view of where you are currently, and what your next steps are.

Continuous Business Value Delivery (CBVD) is a specialized assessment and advisory framework focused on ensuring you are delivering the right product at the right time to your target market.

The CBVD® framework benchmarks your current state, provides a measurable roadmap for your transformation, aligns management on clear focus areas to be successful, and provides you with an enterprise change management plan.


Product Portfolio

Making the right strategic decisions about your portfolio of products can either make or break your organization.

In order to stay competitive, you must be able to accurately identify and eliminate products in diminishing markets that are draining resources, and redistribute those resources to the rapid development of successful products in growing sectors.

We can help you make intelligent decisions about your product portfolio by leveraging data to quickly identify and prioritize markets with the best opportunities for growth and profitability.


A Change Resistant Organization:
A Key Obstacle to Digital Transformation

You need more than just new technology to stay competitive in the digital age.

Leading brands such as Google, Amazon, and Netflix have disrupted established industries in their pursuit of digital innovation. Organizations of all sizes now realize that preserving the status quo is a losing strategy. To stay competitive, every organization must pursue their own transformations.

Unfortunately, most companies never reach full digital maturity.

Key challenges standing in their way are the following:

Challenge #1:
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Challenge #1:

As humans, we find comfort in familiar tools, processes, and routines. Change is often scary and uncomfortable, which means substantial change at an organizational level can be very challenging.

Digital transformation starts with a careful consideration of how change will be handled across the organization.

Challenge #2:
Outdated Business
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Challenge #2:
Outdated Business

Many leaders mistakenly think that by upgrading their technology, they are “going digital”. If your approach is to look at new technologies in isolation you will run the risk of merely using new technology to power an outdated business model.

Instead, you must develop a strategy for leveraging new technology in order to deliver the best possible experience to customers, regardless of what the business model looks like.

Challenge #3:
Lack of Agile
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Challenge #3:
Lack of Agile

The ability to quickly respond to rapid change is an essential element of a successful digital transformation. Agility embraces evidence as the basis for change, which requires ongoing experimentation and quick pivoting of direction as new data becomes available.

Without this agility, your organization will end up with a linear transformation plan, one that limits change to a gradual series of events, leading to a slow pace of implementation and complete loss of momentum.


AgileTrailblazers Helps Your Organization:
Achieve a Shared Vision



Your organization’s digital transformation journey starts with a vision that is shared among leadership and stakeholders, and clearly communicated to the rest of your organization


Leadership Buy-In

Without a clear vision of the future, your digital transformation efforts will end in confusion, failed starts, and a lack of buy-in.


Focused & United

Armed with a clear vision of the future and the right strategy, your organization will be focused and united on your journey toward successful digital transformation.

At Agile Trailblazers, we can help you fully assess what your organization’s current state is, identify the challenges you must overcome, and then develop and implement a clear, measurable roadmap for digital success.


Who is Digital Strategy for?


Leadership Across Your Organization

Digital Strategy gives you the ability to align all of your initiatives, projects, and activities toward clear objectives.


Departments or Teams ​​​​​​​Within an Organization

Digital Strategy provides guidance and clarity on exactly which tactics to execute on that will best get you to the destination you’re trying to reach as an organization, as a department, or as a team.


Leaders Looking for Alignment and Efficient Innovation

Digital Strategy ensures that nothing happens in your organization unless it has a purpose and helps move your organization forward, resulting in higher efficiency and productivity, faster innovation, and decreased costs.


Some Completed POC Examples


Digital Strategy Expertise In Your Industry

Financial Services

A proper Digital Strategy enables financial services organizations to overcome fast-changing industry challenges, such as:

  • Ensuring integration of new technology with existing systems
  • Connecting agents across the globe and aligning their processes
  • Providing a consistent and seamless customer experience
  • Mitigating new security risks
  • Compliance with the laws and regulations of multiple countries


More patients are coming to expect streamlined digital experiences, and the healthcare system overall is moving toward more accountable care. Because of these changes, organizations must have a Digital Strategy that can help them leverage new technology in order to:

  • Acquire better data to identify waste and reallocate resources
  • Improve efficiency and reduce costs in all areas
  • Expand patient population through initiatives such as Connected Care
  • Provide the highest-quality treatment to as many patients as possible
  • Comply with changing government regulations


For eCommerce companies competing with giant online retailers such as Amazon and Wal-Mart, it’s crucial to have a Digital Strategy that enables you to:

  • Invest in the right eCommerce platform for your business
  • Come up with innovative ideas and business models, and be able to execute them quickly
  • Streamline your logistics and delivery to reduce costs and improve efficiency
  • Keep customers engaged with online/offline integration
  • Utilize Augmented Reality to create exciting, new shopping experiences
  • Accept new forms of payment, such as Paypal and digital currencies


As local, state, and federal governments are looking to technology in order to improve citizens’ lives, budget and security concerns are top-of-mind. Having a proper Digital Strategy allows you to plan for a future in which:

  • Digitally-connected cities are the norm
  • More funds are freed up due to automation
  • Inefficient procedures and processes are replaced by highly-secure, streamlined digital applications
  • Decision-making at all levels is improved based on accurate, real-time data to serve more citizens faster than ever
  • Licensing and maintenance costs are reduced with open-source technology
  • Long, complex, expensive procurement and development cycles are replaced by a lean, Agile approach

Align Your Leadership Towards One Goal

Take the first step towards a successful digital transformation

Learn More About Visioning

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