
Don’t Take Baby Steps: Guest Blog Series

Jul 30, 2019 8:00:00 AM / by Cliff Berg (Guest Blogger) posted in DevOps, Agile, BDD, User Story Mapping, Agile Transformation, Digital Transformation


Teams are not constrained by how much they can learn. They are constrained by how much they are allowed to try, as well as by how much they don’t know what they don’t know.

When Agile adoption struggles in a large organization, it is almost always because managers are in the way—that is, teams are blocked by rules or upper level decisions—as well as because teams don’t know that there are better ways than what they are accustomed to doing. Those are the two predominant kinds of constraint on performance that one tends to see.

Rules exist for a reason: to manage risk. It is therefore unreasonable to expect that managers will just say “Do whatever you think is best”. To say that would be to abdicate their responsibility to manage risk for the organization. Doing that would also lead to chaos: each team would invent its own methods, and so the organization would cease to be one: it would devolve into a collection of tiny tribes.

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7 Benefits of User Story Mapping

May 16, 2017 2:00:00 PM / by Urooj Hussain posted in Digital Strategy, Product Portfolio Management, User Story Mapping



User Story Mapping is an excellent technique to visualize how the solution is going to be iteratively developed in fast-feedback cycles.  MVPs can be defined for various reasons such as validating the need for certain functionality, gaining user feedback on design decisions, or investigating technical techniques. The story map will visually show how the team will iterative develop working solutions and evolve toward a MMP (minimum marketable product).        


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