Back in May of this year, Naeem and I went down to New Orleans to the Global Scrum Gathering to present “Hop on the Release Orientation Trolley”. It was a great experience and we have had numerous opportunities to present the Release Orientation topic to clients and other agile meetups, such as Agile PA and Agile Indy. One of the keynote speakers at Scrum Gathering was Rich Sheridan of Menlo Innovations. Unfortunately, I was not able to get to Rich’s keynote. However, they gave all attendees a copy of his book,“Joy, Inc.”, which I furiously started reading on the plane ride home and finished within a few days. The concepts and the approach resonated with me deeply. I wrote a blog article about it, did some social media, and that provided the opportunity for Rich and AgileTrailblazers to connect. One thing led to another and Naeem and I found ourselves booked to come to Menlo’s “Intro to the Menlo Way” 1-day course out in Ann Arbor, Michagan.
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We’re speaking at Scrum Gathering New Orleans 2014!
Mar 25, 2014 7:58:10 AM / by bbarr posted in Events, Agile, Continuous Business Value Delivery, Scrum
We are happy to announce that Naeem and Brian will be speaking at the Global Scrum Gathering New Orleans 2014. Our session is called "Hop Onto the Release Orientation Trolley" (in the New Orleans theme) and will be held on Tuesday, May 6th, at 11 AM. This session builds on concepts from our Scrum Alliance article, "The Big Lever" - so take a look!