Selenium Grid is a powerful tool for testing web applications across browsers and operating systems, but incorporating it into a Continuous Integration pipeline can be frustrating. Integrating the Grid with a CI/CD server is complex, and a misstep during setup can lead to unreliable test errors, and down that path lies madness. Here at AgileTrailblazers, we use the Selenium Grid plugin for Jenkins to quickly execute our UI tests on every build against multiple operating systems and browsers, so front-end bugs are squashed early.
Jack Ozment
Recent Posts
Automated Testing with Selenium Grid and Jenkins in 3 Steps
Aug 10, 2016 11:03:41 AM / by Jack Ozment posted in Agile Testing, continuous testing, Automated Testing, Continuous Integration, selenium grid, Selenium, Jenkins, Modernized Technology
Getting Started with Zephyr for JIRA in 5 Easy Steps
Jun 9, 2016 3:50:51 PM / by Jack Ozment posted in JIRA, Agile Testing, Scrum, Zephyr, Test Management, Atlassian, Modernized Technology
The lack of built-in test support for JIRA can feel like a strange omission. Luckily, there are multiple JIRA plugins that add testing support to JIRA, the most popular of which is Zephyr. However, JIRA and Zephyr are extremely flexible tools, and getting their full value requires a team understanding of testing practice, and integrating those practices into JIRA.