
Michael Fried

Michael Fried
Michael is a software development engineer here at cirruslabs. With a focus on Java and J2EE development, Michael has experience working with a wide variety of software/web development technologies ranging from HTML/XHTML/JSP to Object Oriented and Functional programming languages to SQL and database management to deploying applications on a variety of servers. Graduating Drexel University with a BS in Software Engineering, Michael went on to develop for Lockheed Martin and Fiserv before joining cirruslabs in February.
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Recent Posts

How to Start an AngularJS Application

May 11, 2017 2:00:00 PM / by Michael Fried posted in Modernized Technology, Software Delivery, Angular JS


Have you ever thought about learning AngularJS but didn’t know where to start? Today I’m going to show you how to quickly spin up an AngularJS 1.6.x application using a couple of different tools and then touch on the important AngularJS concepts to get you started.

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6 Reasons to use Postman/Newman for API Integration Testing

Jun 22, 2016 4:55:32 PM / by Michael Fried posted in Test Management, Modernized Technology, Software Delivery, Postman, Newman, API


You wrote a fancy new API that handles everything you can throw at it. You spent hours doing manual testing to make sure your API works perfectly. You release your code and make some updates. Now you have to spend hours manually testing again. There has to be a better way. Here are 6 reasons you should use Postman and Newman for API integration testing.

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